Useful Information

The Route
The event is designed to be walked. The suggested circuit is just under 4.5 miles and takes about 2 hours to walk without a break. Most families spend 4 to 5 hours at the event including refreshment breaks.
It is not possible to get a good view of all the scarecrows from a car and some are displayed in areas where vehicle access is only available to residents.
Scarecrow Guides
Guides detailing all of the scarecrows and their locations are available to purchase for £2.50 from the following places:
Heather St John's Football Club
Village Hall - David Taylor Memorial Hall
Village Corner Shop
Lynda's Garage Sale (on Manor Road)
The Queens Head
The Crown Inn
Cattows Farm Tea Room and Farm Shop
Heather St John's Football Club will be serving food and drinks from 10am until 4pm everyday throughout the Festival.
Refreshments will also be available at the Village Hall from Sun-Fri which will be hosted by various groups associated with the village.
On the final weekend an Art Exhibtion of local artists work will take place at the Village Hall, where tea and cakes will be available.
Heather St John's Football Club have toilet and baby changing facilities between 10am-5pm. The Village Hall will also be open for use of the toilets facilities throughout the festival. between 10am-4pm.
Local Businesses to visit
The Cattows Farm just on the outskirts of the village (heading towards Swepstone) has a lovely Tea Room and Farm Shop.
The village also has two pubs on the main street, The Crown Inn and The Queens Head.